
Sam Gan
2 min readSep 5, 2020

Right now, we actually have the time and space to practice a life discipline that Jesus modeled for us so beautifully. His life was this divine ebb and flow of being alone with God in Silence and Solitude (Where he would go up to the mountains to be by himself to spend some quality time with his Source)…. and then followed by bouts of being in community with the ones he loved.

With us, his family.

He taught with his life, in the way he spoke, thought, felt, acted. He was literally the walking embodiment of love.

The truest essence of love expressed through being human.

He was also so secure in who he was. He had no fear of being challenged without ever being hostile or defensive. He simply spoke his truth.

He showed us the importance of time away from the community to be refreshed in the Source of all love

and also

Spending time within the community where we get to express that love through our lives.

He showed us the importance of both.

One of living a life deeply aware of our souls' source and purpose.

I’m starting to see how the balancing of both ‘time away’ and ‘time in play’, is a key practice to living powerfully purposed lives, instead of distracted and unfocused ones.

These are two separate spaces, yes, but still connected through the full presence of ourselves in both.

Almost like two sides of the same coin. Our hearts acting as the bridge between worlds. A divine flow infused in and through us.

What is it that you need for your moment in life, here and now?

Maybe it’s more time in silence and solitude…to sit and learn to calm a restless heart by making space to listen and just be. To get to know yourself and the only One who can truly soothe the soul.

Or maybe it’s more time with your community. A place where you feel you belong. Where who you really are can find expression.

pause from reading this and listen for that still small Voice.

always there to guide when met with our attention and trust.

It is in the contrast of these two spaces that we learn that all the love within us only finds its purpose and power as it flows through us, to others.

Because life is not all about one or the other, or both even.

It’s actually all about love.

And love has a source.

His name is Jesus.

He came to love you.

He didn’t just say it, he lived it.

So that we can too.

